Why thyssenkrupp Materials Slovakia? What are the characteristics of the company culture of the enterprise?
We face the challenges of future together with our customers.
We focus on our clients. We develop innovative products and services, which create sustainable infrastructures and more efficient resource utilization.
We always comply with the highest expectations.
With the self-confidence of entrepreneurs, enthusiasm for performance and courage we aim at being the best. We base all this on the commitment and performance of our team members. The development of our employees is of significant importance. The occupational health and safety of the employees have highest priority.
Our values are collective.
We serve the group interests. The basis of our activity is transparency and mutual respect. Our work is characterized by honesty, authenticity, reliability and consequency. Compliance with rules, guidelines and prescriptions is essential. thyssenkrupp Materials Hungary is a responsible enterprise citizen.
We work together since decades and respect the work of each other.
If it is also important for you, join our team!
Contact us at adriana.kovacsova@thyssenkrupp-materials.com